Simple Guidelines to Know How to Create a New Email Group in Outlook

Technology spreads its wings widely during this decade. There are many technology systems that are required to manage numerous tasks. Outlook is one of the technology systems released by Microsoft and would help you to manage your emails. However, people question how to create a new email group in Outlook.

Generally, many technology systems already emphasize the same concept. Yet, each system from a different company probably carries distant advantages. For instance, Microsoft Outlook focuses on managing email systems that required several features to make your emails well-managed. 

Guide to Microsoft Outlook

All people probably would agree to say that Microsoft is such a huge and well-loved technology company. This one company keeps improving its programs and systems in order to attract more users. However, Microsoft shows a great job toward technology development. Thereafter, it release a captivating program called Outlook.

It was released in 1997. The program is included in Microsoft Office 97. Thereafter, the program has upgraded with plenty of improvement throughout the decade. All the versions need to be subscribed since then, yet only Outlook Express which was included in Windows XP is the only free version ever.

Basically, Outlook is a program that runs to manage emails the users got. Nonetheless, the main function of this program is not only to receive but also to send emails to other users. Receiving a bunch of emails make your inbox full and unorganized, this program is coming to the rescue.

In addition, Outlook also provides users to create an email for groups. The question about how to create a new email group in Outlook probably once passed through your mind. 

For the same reason, Outlook helps you to the most matter emails by organizing them with sort by system. Moreover, this program does not only run to email management yet also manages your agenda in one calendar. Those things include a calendar agenda, notes, contact, and tasks that are available to be shared.

Microsoft Outlook Features

Outlook always keeps showing an incredible system to its users with numerous features. However, you might not notice there are several items within the program. Here are the authentic features that Outlook offers:

1. Get Reminded of a Forgotten Attachment

The first impressive feature that Outlook offered is a reminder for you to attach your files. This system be used to remind you if there is a forgotten file you could’ve attached. However, you should insert a task to be read by the system. You have to include a keyword such as attached or attachment.

2. Never Miss Reservations

Reservations have oftentimes been sent by email and you might have a bunch of reservation emails in your inbox. In this case, Outlook will automatically add those schedules to the calendar to give you a reminder about your soon reservation agenda. 

3. Keep Your Focus

Outlook offers a focus feature for any emails. You need to choose the “Ignore” option which is displayed in the Outlook email options. By clicking this action, your emails would directly go to the “Deleted Items” along with the upcoming messages from the ignored conversation. 

4. Never Miss Important Emails

Outlook offers another essential alert toward your important upcoming agenda. You would get a notification all day long about your next schedule sent to your email. Even though you focus on your task, you wouldn’t skip your schedule like a job offer or a brief from your boss.

5. Delete Folder

This feature is probably the common system you might see in the other service providers. The delete option for your old emails that you already responded to and read all of them. Nevertheless, you might not need them anymore since they would duplicate each email.

Yet, you can do cleaning your inbox by removing all old messages. You can directly choose the “Clean Up” feature to help you manage your read emails. By doing this, remain your emails are all those important emails that are unread by you.

6. Multiple Windows 

You can open all the Outlook windows in one go. In this case, it would be easier to switch your windows from email to calendar to other systems. This feature helps you to work faster during a hectic schedule.

How to Create an Email Group in Outlook?

There is another fascinating feature offered by Microsoft Outlook. You probably can create a group conversation in Outlook. Yet, many users seemingly doubt how to create a new email group in Outlook. Since this feature is kind of a hidden gem within Outlook.

According to Microsoft Outlook history, this one program has had a huge number of improvements since then. In this case, Outlook releases on numerous Windows versions. Moreover, how to create a new email group in Outlook probably be dissimilar to each Windows version. 

Previously, before you start to unfold the question of how to create a new email group in Outlook. The first step is you should go to check the newest version of your Windows. Basically, the steps to create a new email group might be not so different even use a different device and Windows version. So, let’s practice the steps below!

1. Launch the Application

If you use Windows instead of Mac, there is the first thing you need to do. Firstly, how to create a new email group in Outlook is to launch your Outlook application. Once your Outlook application is launched, you can take the next step.

2. Find the “People”

Then, you need to find the “People” option right in the bottom menu bar. This option symbolized two silhouettes representative of people. You may find it hard to search the “People” button since it is such a small icon. Alternatively, you apparently need to access via menu by following this step New Items – More Items – Contact Group.

3. Select the Folder

Next, how to create a new email group in Outlook is to select a certain folder you want to save in the group. This folder probably contains numerous group contacts you can add to the group email. However, in this section, you might see saved names on your contact.

4. Create a New Group Contact

Nevertheless, if you want to create a new group instead, you would choose the option “New Contact Group”. The icon is placed in the menu bar above. Next, you might decide the name of your new group. Now, you can undoubtedly question how to create a new email group in Outlook.

5. Select the Group Members

The most important thing about how to create a new email group in Outlook is to add the people inside the group. Simply add your co-workers’ contact to the group email in Outlook. 

6. Save and Close

Once you finish to add the group members who will receive an email from you as in the group,y ou need to save your group setting. Then, you are ready to use the group email. Further, you can send any email at once to all the group members.

Is Microsoft Outlook More Efficient?

As the one program of email management, Microsoft Outlook is worth using. Since it would be helpful for users to fully-managed the coming emails. However, with the efficiency, you probably concerning how to create a new email group in Outlook.

For the same reason, this feature would be beneficial to you who work in such a big company. Where users have to work with numerous co-workers and push them to give briefs to a group. Create a new email group in Outlook apparently efficient to give legal briefs to your co-workers.

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